Need complete grotto photographer services?
Lifetime has broad experience of Santa’s grotto’s from in Town Centre grotto’s to purpose-built grottos.
Whether you need automated photographs taken of children with Santa or photographer elf’s in the grotto with your guests, we can supply it all. We can offer, for sale, all kinds of branded merchandise to make your Christmas event a success.
Santas grotto photography is a lot of fun for both the children and yourself. The photos can provide your customers with great memories to cherish for years to come.
Santas Grotto Photography
There are many different types of automatic and non-automatic Santa photography solutions available on the market, some work better than others while some will require more effort on your part.
We have chosen a very simple to use solution that provides great photos, no effort from the grotto operator and does not require any prior photography experience or knowledge on behalf of our photography elves ( that we supply)
Once you are in position for your photo session with Santa another elf takes your picture. It is worth noting that the elves will not be in the shot. You then receive a printed photo in high resolution, which you can either take home or give to parents who pay for the photos when leaving our grotto.
The elves will explain everything you need to know so there is no standing around waiting around while someone explains to you what needs to be done.
The elves are well trained to keep the children engaged throughout their santas grotto photography session so they can enjoy themselves.
Automatic Santa grotto photography service
on the majority of our current grotto provisions, there is no photographer. the camera is strategically placed In the cabin, and Santa gathers everyone around and takes the photos themselves with a wireless trigger. this is great for busy grottos or grottos where there isn’t good space for a photographer to be in there.
The images are then transferred to the sales desk for viewing and purchasing.